Thursday, October 19, 2017

the dichotomy of grief

A couple weeks ago I received a text. It said something to the effect of “I know we haven’t kept in touch recently but...” I didn’t respond, but did acknowledge the message in my own way, which is more than most people would have done. 

It’s remarkable, the way in which people can process a similar event (losing a family member at a young age) in completely different ways. 

I share this common thread with two people in my life. In one instance it has brought us closer together. In one it has driven us apart. 

I don’t know when the grieving process ends, if ever, but I do know that my experience with it has brought me closer to some people. It has also driven others out of my life completely...and that is my own choice...and right now, I am ok with the decisions that I have made. MySpace Tracker