Tuesday, January 31, 2012

poland fights

My grandmother was a strong, Polish woman. I got this tattoo in remembrance of her.

The Kotwica (Polish for "Anchor") was a World War II emblem of the Polish Secret State and Armia Krajowa. It was created in 1942 by members of the AK Wawer "Small Sabotage" unit as an easily usable emblem for the Polish struggle to regain independence. The initial meaning of the initials "PW" was "Pomścimy Wawer" ("We will avenge Wawer"). The Wawer massacre was considered to be one of the first large scale massacres of Polish civilians by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland.

At first, Polish scouts from sabotage groups painted the whole phrase upon walls. However, this was soon shortened to two letters, P and W, due to time constraints.
The P and W initials evolved into the Kotwica.

The Kotwica began to signify more than just its intended abbreviation, taking on more meanings such as Polska Walcząca ("Fighting Poland"), Wojsko Polskie ("Polish Army") and Powstanie Warszawskie ("Warsaw Uprising"). Eventually, the Kotwica became a patriotic symbol of defiance against occupiers and was painted in a graffiti style on building walls.

After World War II, Poland's communist authorities banned the Kotwica. As the communist grip weakened, the symbol was no longer censored, and in 1976 it became one of the symbols of Ruch Obrony Praw Człowieka i Obywatela (ROPCiO), an anti-communist organization defending human rights in Poland. Later it was also adopted by various other anti-communist political organizations.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

you go girl

This has happened to me far too many times to count...

Peegret: The feeling that you made a terrible mistake by not taking a leak at the office or home or wooded lot that you just left because you are, or know you soon will be, dying to take a piss and you don't have an acceptable place to do it.

I am experiencing deep peegret right now; I should have taken a leak at that bar we just left, now I’m stuck in this car in downtown traffic and I’m dying to go!

Problem solved?

MySpace Tracker

Sunday, January 15, 2012

the kinetic chain

Everything in our body is connected. A slight injury to the left foot could trigger a series of reactions (ankle, leg, knee, hip) that ultimately affect the right shoulder. When one muscle isn’t working properly the others will compensate. My body has been doing too much of this lately and I feel it.

After realizing that I haven’t posted in two weeks, I started to give some thought to the kinetic chain on a larger scale. Much like the kinetic chain, physical injury has sparked a series of reactions that have compromised my mental clarity and emotional happiness.

I’ve been focused on the physical component of my health to the detriment of these other areas of my life. I don’t know if this is something that could have been avoided. It’s made me realize how much of my happiness is derived from my physical well-being and thankful for the fact that it is restored.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

the things that people say

I heard a guy say this to his friend at the gym today...

"No, no, because dude, I got a plan, listen...I'm gonna work both jobs, get as much money as I can, get tattooed and get jacked..."

Sounds like he's all set.