Sunday, April 23, 2017

the third month

March was a month full of sadness and it passed quickly. Usually, those days drag on without end. It is nearly the end of April and I find myself looking back, wondering where the time went.

My mom lost her best friend to pancreatic cancer. On weekends, I drove her to the hospital in Philadelphia so she could visit with her before she passed. 

She also learned that her sister’s fiancĂ© has stage three bone cancer. Cancer is never an easy diagnosis to process, but this is the second time my aunt will have to do so. She lost her first husband to cancer several years ago.

These things are weighing heavy on my mom’s heart. I can feel it.

A few days of rain can make it seem like the sun is never going to shine again. It was late in the day when the clouds finally broke so I decided to take the long way home. Turning off of Route 70, I noticed a big ass bird (yes, that is the technical name) in the sky. It continued to fly West, the same direction I was traveling, until I lost it in the sunset.

Even though you're not here with me, you are still all around. You are in the sun, the moon and the stars at night. Thank you for letting me know that. It helped me to make it through the third month.
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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

update: the april experiment

I am writing this mostly to give insight to anyone who is curious about intermittent fasting. When I started this experiment at the beginning of the month my only knowledge on intermittent fasting came from the internet. I had no idea if it would fit into my life. 

Some of the variables to be considered are work, exercise patterns and social outings. For instance, on Easter Sunday my parents wanted to go out to brunch. I have been breaking my fast at Noon. Fortunately, they were willing to accommodate. 

Exercising has not been an issue because I was already accustomed to doing cardio in a fasted state in the morning. Weight training has proven to be somewhat of a challenge. Lifting in a fasted state doesn’t feel right for me so it has been moved until after I have had my second meal in the early evening. 

The only problematic aspect involving work is that I cannot commute (by bike) on the day that I am with clients until 12:30pm because I don’t have the strength (mentally or physically) to ride home. 

Some of the observations I have made over the past two weeks:
  • The urge to snack has diminished. 
  • I do better at tracking my macros.
  • I give myself less “free passes” because I am usually full by the end of the meal.
  • I eat slower (meals now take up to 40 minutes).
  • It’s still possible to eat out, but knowing when and where in advance makes it easier.
  • I’ve lost two pounds. 

As long as it fits, I will continue with intermittent fasting next month...although I won’t allow it to come between me and Mr. Softee when he comes around on summer afternoons. MySpace Tracker

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The April Experiment

After reading about the benefits of cold showers I took the leap on January 1st. Three months have passed, unwavered...I still use nothing but cold water.

This month I decided to try intermittent fasting. My morning cardio is done in a fasted state so all I had to do was extend that a few more hours. How difficult could it be? Plenty difficult when your gym buddy shows up with a bakery bag containing a gorgeous Bismarck!

Yesterday was day one. Friday tends to be a busy day for me so the morning went by without a hitch. It was Noon before I knew it and the “feeding window” had opened. My initial game plan is to eat three meals (Noon, 4pm and 8pm) of equal caloric value. At 8pm the window closes.

There is a clear link between these two experiments. For most people reading this, your lives are filled with an abundance of choices...everything from what you watch, to where you go, what you eat and when you eat it...easily accessible...convenient.

This experiment is not rooted in deprivation, but rather discipline. Only time will tell if it ends or becomes a new way of doing things.

Stay tuned for an update...
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