Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 31: Reconciliation

We can learn a lot from our mistakes, but we learn even more when we are able to forgive others for theirs.

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Monday, March 30, 2009

March 30: The wealthiest man in the city...

is Lew Blum. He has to be. The guy's got at least twelve million signs posted all over Philadelphia.

My car was only towed once. Fortunately, it was by Lew Blum, otherwise I would not be able to tell this story.

I was visting a friend who lived on Spring Garden Street. Her apartment building was next door to a bank. It was after business hours so I parked in the lot, which I had done several times in the past. When I went to leave, my car was not there. "What? Your car was stolen?" she said. No, it's just not there. "So somebody took your car," she offered again. Please woman, this is my car we are talking about.

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No one stole my car. It probably got towed. I looked up and there was the "Lew Blum" sign. I called the number on the sign. The man who answered confirmed that my car was there. It was close to midnight and freezing cold. My friend drove me to 1130 N. 40th Street and I knocked on the door. A voice came from the other side, which instructed me to place my car keys, drivers license and $150 cash in the slot. A few moments later, my license was returned. Next, the voice told me to step to the right. The garage door opened and there was my car, running and with the lights on.

I got in and drove home, not once having seen a person and for now, Lew Blum, the wealthiest man in the city, remains an enigma.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 29: The Port-O-Potties of Philadelphia

I am fairly particular about where I'll pop a squat. While I enjoy camping, I hate having to pee in nature, mainly because I am not very good at it. Pit toilets also do not rank high on my list of places where I would like to pee. Port-O-Potties would fall slightly above both of those, but as you can see, they are hit or miss.

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

March 28: The Ocean

Young or Old, Rich or Poor, Black or White. The ocean, like most of nature, does not discriminate. Sometimes I wish we all were just a little bit more like the ocean.

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Friday, March 27, 2009

March 27: Un(der)employment

My current position is grant funded and set to expire around the end of the year, which prompted me to consider new career paths. So far I am leaning toward delivering things, driving trucks or working in a grocery store.

Taking into consideration that I am four credits away from my second master's degree and have been in school 27 out of the 34 years of my life some people may not understand this or see it as a waste of an education. I am of the opinion that learning is good in and of itself. I do not use my education as a means to an end.

My paths have crossed with so many people who have allowed their careers to define themselves. I will never be one of those people.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26: "Work" and the Brew Works

Traveling for work takes me to wonderful places such as Camp Hill, Allenwood and Frackville, PA. Fortunately, I have been able to locate many noteworthy spots along the way, like the Port Clinton Peanut Shop as well as every brewery within a twenty mile radius.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24: The Landfill

Because not everyone has an old landfill around the corner from their house.

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