Thursday, January 10, 2019

sit on it

Just before the holidays I was having some pretty significant discomfort in my lower back. I am fairly active and my job as a personal trainer depends on my body having its shit together. For this reason, I have incorporated yoga, massage and chiropractic into my “preventive maintenance” schedule. There is a statement on the wall at the chiropractor’s office that says something like “13 hours per day” is the average amount of time we spend sitting. This obviously was a contributing factor to my lower back discomfort. 

I thought to remedy the situation by purchasing a better desk chair, a really fancy ergonomic one, but they proved to be too expensive. I expanded my search to craigslist and found a couple Herman Miller chairs that fit my budget. Then I gave it some more know what...instead of spending $300 on a new chair (so I can continue to sit more) why don’t I just reduce the amount of time I spend sitting...and that’s exactly what I did. 

Treat the cause not the symptom.