Sunday, March 30, 2014


Salabhasana (locust pose) is a form of back bend, or spine stretch, using the strength of the upper and middle back to lift the weight of the legs as high as possible from a starting position face down on the floor. Most people find Salabhasana to be a very “strong” i.e. difficult and challenging posture to practice, and as such it not only improves flexibility and coordination, but also has strength and stamina benefits. 

When I began my Bikram Yoga practice two and a half years ago, this was my least favorite of the 26 poses. I found myself fidgeting, repositioning my hands in an attempt to buy myself more time before entering and holding the pose. Then one day, something clicked and “I got it.” It wasn’t necessarily that I made a gradual progression toward that end, it just happened. Now, it is the one that I enjoy the most. 

This experience has helped me draw parallels to other areas of my life. It has made me realize the times when I closed myself off to people, things and situations because they were unfamiliar. Sometimes, the unknown can be frightening, it can be challenging...but that is not a good reason to dislike it, nor is it an excuse to walk away from it. MySpace Tracker

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Tumbleweave Diaries

Curbside Weave, sure to brighten up your Monday!

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Monday, March 17, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

greetings from the arsenal

A couple days ago I revisited 2005. That’s the year I started this blog. I didn’t have much to say back then. I attributed it to lack of life experience. 

Then someone offered their take on it...

"It wasn’t for lack of life experience. You had it. But it was good. You were too busy out and experiencing life. Then, when you get fucked are left moody and miserable. And with a mind of racing thoughts smothered by emotion. That’s when writing really springs into action. At least the good writers.”

Fast forward to March of 2014...I haven’t had much to say lately..and somehow I think that is a very good thing.

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