Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Crossasaurus Awesome

This race marked a few more firsts. It was the first time I have raced two days in a row...and...it was the first time that I received a "call up." Basically, what this means is that, due to a few strong finishes in the PA Series, I got to line up in the first row. That didn't make much of a difference once the whistle blew.

Anticipating a bottleneck at the first technical section of our initial lap, I wasn't too anxious to make a push. Once through that spot, there was a flat straightway and my road instincts kicked in...hammer! I passed a bunch of people and was in the top ten. Making my way through the technical section on the third lap, someone from behind me calls out "pedal, pedal, pedal." It was the friend I made the day before at FSVS Xross. She coached me through and I nailed that section on the remaining two laps. Pushing on and passing a few more riders, I had now moved up in to sixth. On the fourth lap, someone went down and I narrowly missed getting caught up in it. Using this to my advantage I took off and into fourth place, right on the wheel of someone with good technical skills. I followed her lines the remainder of the race, content with a fourth place finish.

A cool down, off to the car for a recovery drink and a change of clothes, then back to see the results. I was called to the podium and received a bag full of goodies. Standing with friends, chatting, I had completely forgotten the fact that I was about to pee my pants at the start of the race (which was delayed due to a protest). I made my way to the Potty Queen and, to my pleasure it was still fully stocked with toilet paper. Now THAT is a good day!
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