Friday, November 2, 2012

Superstorm Sandy, Paleo Edition

My mom had been making ice since last Thursday. There wasn't an inch of space in the freezer that wasn't consumed by frozen water, in a variety of shapes. The GIANT turkey breast had been removed and was in the oven. In the event that the power went out, turkey would be consumed for the next several days. Every container that wasn't used to make ice was holding water. Candles, batteries, flashlights and a wind up powered radio were neatly placed on the kitchen table. The grill was bungeed down. The patio furniture was brought into the garage.  

It was Saturday. 

On the way home from Independence CX, I passed the grocery store. The parking lot looked like the mall on Black Friday. 

It was time to make my storm preparations. 

I grabbed my Petzl head lamp, charged my phone and filled my water bottles. I had recently gone shopping so there were plenty of fruits and vegetables on hand as well as an assortment of nuts. I cooked a package of organic chicken and placed it into a container with some roasted butternut squash. 

Thankfully, we were spared from the brunt of the storm. Many friends and family members were not so fortunate and my thoughts are with them as they struggle to regain some semblance of normalcy in their lives.

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