Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Stoudts Cross

Upon realizing that there'd be two whole weeks between Independence Cross and my next planned race at Fairhill, I hopped on bikereg in an attempt to satiate my newly discovered addiction to cyclocross. Not only did I find a (somewhat local) cross race, but a cross race that was at a brewery. This was going to be a great event! 

Race day was 45 degrees and overcast with wind. Superstorm Sandy had left several sections of the course resembling a mud bog. This, I have been told, is what cross is all about. I pre-rode the course, then warmed up in my car until it was time for staging. 

There were at least 30 women pre-registered for the 3/4 event with a few more day of. It was the largest field I had been in and, having waited until the last minute to register, I was in the last row to start. The whistle blew and I took advantage of the paved sections at the beginning of the course to move up a few spots. 

The first lap was pretty congested, but then we started to spread out and I got into a better rhythm (AKA heart rate was maxed and stayed there). On the second lap I went down on an off-camber section, which left some pretty nice bruises on my right leg. On the third lap, I successfully grabbed a dollar bill in the "hecklers corner" only to drop it after going off the course and crashing into a tree. Needless to say, I made some fans in that section and they were cheering loudly for me as I took my final lap. This time they had a dollar bill in a cup, which I narrowly missed grabbing with my teeth. 

My decision to have fun during cross season might have cost me fourth place in this race, but it was well worth it. I finished in 5th place (my best result for a 3/4 race), had an absolute blast and now it was time to drink good beer.

The highlight of my day came shortly after the race had ended. I was out of breath, covered in mud and my lungs felt like they were bleeding. I congratulated the fourth place finisher. We had battled back and forth the entire race. Then I looked at her and said "You must have at least ten years on me." To which she replied "I'm 18." "Oh" I said "Im 38." 

Happy to have brought a plastic bag, I placed my muddy clothes and shoes in their proper place, slipped on a pair of sweats and headed down to the brewery, where I enjoyed good beer and conversation with friends. I love cross. MySpace Tracker

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