Thursday, January 7, 2010


Question: Why are people posting colors on Facebook?

Answer:Colors are taking over Facebook statuses, and people like me are left baffled. What is up with this craze? Apparently, women are posting their bra colors to spread Breast Cancer Awareness. A message that is aimed to raise cancer awareness has been circulating around female Facebook users. If you think about it, it is a very effective method of spreading the word. This craze has sparked enough curiosity and made people find out what the reasoning is behind all these colors. If people just posted “breast cancer awareness” in their Facebook statuses, would anybody even care to repost? However, this method has made a lot of us take the time to google “Facebook status colors” and talk about something that is of an important cause. So while you’re at it, go ahead and update your status to whatever your bra color is.

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