Monday, October 24, 2005

great expectations

Wow, did you ever have a thought you just couldn’t express…welcome to my life. Sometimes I find myself stumbling over the words. It’s not that I don’t have them, but rather I have a difficult time getting them from my brain to my mouth or from my brain to the keyboard


Every now and then it’s a good practice to give yourself a reality check…to sit back and take an honest look at what is going on in your life.


That’s something I did recently and discovered that most of my recent disappointments were due in part to the fact that I had entered situations with expectations; that I engaged with people based on how I thought they should have acted in the situation.


I am going to make a better attempt at not doing this.


I think that the main reason people get disappointed in relationships, friendships or interactions with people in general is because of unrealistic expectations. We expect people to act a certain way, based on our own perceptions and experiences and when they don’t we become frustrated, disappointed, hurt or angry.


And this is random, but I have met so many people who don’t listen me because they are too busy trying to figure out what they are going to say in response. Clearly then, we aren’t interacting on the same level.


I find a bit of irony in the title of this blog, “great expectations.” The reason why it has taken me so long to express my thoughts was because of my own expectations, that if I was going to share my feelings with others they had to be of a certain caliber. Well, maybe this time around I haven’t quite hit the mark, but hopefully ya’ll get the idea.


Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and help them become what they are capable of being.
- Goethe

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