Wednesday, June 25, 2008

a day at the beach

The first thing that I need to put out there is that I am somewhat challenged when it comes to fashion. Just a few weeks ago I learned that print shorts and print t-shirts should not be worn together. The evening before my day trip to the beach I spent several hours trying to find something to wear that was not only comfortable, but also matched. I came up with a pair of tan shorts and a green t-shirt and was oh so proud of myself.


It has been said that having a bird poop on you is good luck. I guess this is going to be an excellent week because as I was walking on the boardwalk last Friday a seagull unloaded a three course meal all over me. Thankfully, it was me and not my friend whom I was with at the time. She seemed to be just as traumatized by the experience as I was. She quickly instructed me to remove my shirt, sacrificing her newly purchased "life is good t-shirt" and offered me a wet paper towel to clean up the mess.


I spent the rest of the afternoon wearing a shirt that didn't match.


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