I made it a point today NOT to set any sort of goal for distance. Instead, I decided to hike about an hour and a half one-way, turn around and hike back. I wanted to see what it felt like to have nowhere to go, no destination.
So many times I’ve found myself using the trail as a means to an end...to get to the vista point, to see the water fall, etc...and I fail to take in everything on the path that leads me there.
One thing that I’ve had a difficult time coming to terms with lately is that everybody seems to be in a hurry to get somewhere. They rush from A to B to C and hardly ever notice anything along the way. It’s the most noticeable on city streets or when I’m driving. I do my best to tune it out, but I can’t help but be affected. There was a time when it made me anxious, but now, I just feel sorry for those people. 
The whole world can change in a minute. The minute you go into the bathroom and see contact solution sitting on the sink...but she doesn’t wear contacts.
The words you’ve heard over the past four months are buzzing around in your head. And suddenly, you realize that “I don’t want to be with anyone.” really means that “I don’t want to be with you.”
You start to wonder, whether the tears she cried as you held her in your arms while she told you that she missed you, were real. You begin to doubt every I love you that came from her lips. And you realize that you will be left with more questions than answers.
And when you try to explain that you feel hurt, you are told that you're pathetic. When you try to explain that you feel taken advantage of, you are told to go away...and her life is so much better now without you in it.
It is then that you become the enemy...but it was just last week, when we were holding hands, walking down the street, laughing...but it was just last week, when we stood on the sidewalk and I kissed you goodbye as you left for work. I never thought that kiss would be our last.