Friday, March 9, 2012

The Plan

For several years, I’ve dealt with “stomach issues” in various forms. It has caused me physical discomfort and emotional embarrassment. It has limited the type of activities I participate in, the length I can participate and where I can participate. None of these things left me feeling particularly good about myself. I spent a long time resigned to the fact that this is the way it would always be. Then, I found a doctor who got it right and it changed my life dramatically.

One component of managing this, and something that I have spoken about many times, is
scaling back or down sizing. Living simply has made a significant impact on reducing stress in my life.

The second component is diet. In the fall of 2010, a friend of mine started the
Paleo Diet. It seemed interesting and I began incorporating some of its principles (cutting back on processed foods) into my life. About a month later, I had a meeting with a nutritionist who suggested the Specific Carbohydrate Diet as a means to manage my symptoms.

Both “diets” call for the elimination of refined sugar, all grains and starch. Initially, this was a challenge. It forced me to spend more time in the kitchen, which resulted in a better awareness of the foods I was eating. Over the course of the last year, what I have (or more importantly what I have not) put into my body has played a big part in my overall well being.

It’s been just over a year since I committed to this lifestyle. My stomach issues are gone.

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