Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Canada Geese are Foul

Canada Geese are everywhere. I don’t recall there being so many of them when I was a kid. Perhaps their population has swelled because they have few natural predators. My disdain for them began in college. As a member of the crew team, I spent countless mornings on the dock with a large broom, sweeping geese shit into the river. Yes, the Schuylkill is full of Canada geese shit, amongst other things I’m sure.

And so the thought crossed my mind around Thanksgiving time (perhaps it was the Turkeys that put the idea into my head). I started to wonder if Canada Geese are edible. A quick google search provided me not only with the answer, but also with several recipes.

And then I thought about all of the hungry people in the United States. The last time I looked at the statistics, hunger in America exists for over 50 million people. That is 1 in 6 of the U.S. population (including 1 in 4 children).

If Canada Geese are in abundance and considered to be a nuisance by many...well, you see where I am going with this...is it really that illogical?

* I had been holding on to this one for nearly four years. After my recent experience on the DnR Canal Trail, it was time to let it go.
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