Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Fair Hill CX

aka the day I got the holeshot
aka my first Mac win

As the season has progressed it’s become glaringly obvious that starts are something that I need to work on. I could line up with a bunch of toddlers on tricycles and still not get the holeshot. I spent the past two weeks working on my starts. 

The whistle blew, I took off hard and the holeshot was mine (for the first time, ever). It didn’t take long for a couple people to pass me, one of whom went down on an off camber section, which allowed the lead group to escape. I was able to reel them back in near the end of the first lap and never looked back...literally, I didn’t know how close or far behind second place was...I didn’t want to know. This course “owned” me last year and all I wanted to do was give it 110% until the finish line. 

I won my first MAC race. It was a good day.

Anyone who has never done this race should add it to their schedule
next season. It’s a great course.MySpace Tracker

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