Saturday, October 15, 2016

CRCX 2016

I found myself in “winter mode” sooner than expected...maybe it was the Wawa Gobbler I had last week that prompted it.

Sunrise has gotten later which has prevented me from riding my bike to work. This week I have run more miles than I’ve ridden. I am feeling pretty good about the change and have already dropped a couple pounds.

Cooper River Cross is the closest race to home, which is why I didn’t hesitate to register...only to find myself having second thoughts on Friday night (while consuming a delicious vanilla milkshake). 

On Saturday morning I packed a gym bag, a bike bag and a cooler, then drove to the gym (bike in tow) for a session on the stair-mill. Five minutes into it, my decision was made. 

Unfortunately, racing this season has been nothing but paying for a workout and if I want to work out I can do it for free. Maybe next year will be different...I can only hope. It is unfortunate that something which once brought me so much happiness no longer makes me smile.

Of course that did not stop me from having pancakes at Amy’s Omelette House. I’ve had the French Toast many times and it is delicious, but the pancakes were just average.
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