Saturday, June 17, 2017

hair's the story...

My blog tends to be a little bit more personal than my Facebook posts. It’s always been that way. I don’t know why. Anyone from Facebook can easily access this site with one click.

Last year, I decided to grow out my hair for donation. Since then I lost my brother as well as another close family friend (to cancer)..and three family friends received the diagnosis.

Hair needs to be eight inches for donation and mine was sitting at nine so it was ready, but the bigger question...was I? It’s only hair and it will grow back...for some reason I was attached to it, even though all I have done for the past several years is wear it in a pony tail.

It was a memory that helped me through the decision making process. You see, this weekend last year (Father’s Day 2016) was the last time I saw my brother. It became clear to me that the time was right.

I can’t say I love it. I can’t say I hate it. It won’t change my life either way, but hopefully it will make a difference in the life of someone else.

Today also marks ten months since my brother passed away. Thank you to all of those who have read my words as I fumble through the grieving process.

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Unknown said...

Stay strong friend....ur brother is very very proud of u I am sure of it!! Great way to keep his memories alive and well!!

Unknown said...

Your posts are heart filled and incredible! Keeping your brother's memory alive by blogging will be awesome for his son to read one day!