Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Out of the ZONE

I usually keep to myself when I am at the gym. Most people work out with headphones/ear buds anyway so striking up a conversation isn’t usually feasible.

As a NASM Certified Personal Trainer there are certain things I notice when it comes to form. Whether or not I can remember what they mean is a different story. On Sunday I saw this guy performing body weight squats. He was a BIG DUDE, like he could have been a former football player. I watched as his heels elevated each time he came into the bottom of his squat. Normally, I wouldn’t have said anything as I personally do not appreciate unsolicited advice...but he and his buddy seemed nice enough so I started talking to him about mobility and suggested that he widen his stance just a little bit.

Guess what? It worked!

I left feeling good that I had helped someone but even better that I had stepped out of my comfort zone and initiated the conversation.

Lately I have come to the realization that my world is getting smaller. My goal this month is to do one thing a week that is outside of my comfort zone. Hopefully it will encourage me to open a few doors that have been closed.

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