That is what time I woke up this morning to get ready for my blood work. LabCorp opens at 7AM. I rolled up into the parking lot a few minutes prior to that and noticed a small crowd waiting outside. One, two, three...nine, ten...seriously? Are there seriously ten people, all over the age of 65, waiting to get into this place? It's not that I have anything against retired people, but they are retired. Why do they have to be at LabCorp this early in the morning?
We filed in and I signed my name on the sheet. They called me back and I gave the technician my standard disclaimer, "Listen, I have been known to pass out after having blood drawn. Just so you know, there's a slight chance that I'll drop." Then, I looked away and it was over before I knew it.
I was sorting through some papers when I got home and noticed a second script for blood work from a different doctor. I figured that if I ran the paperwork up to the lab they could just add it to what was processed this morning. I was wrong. Even though some of the tests were the same they were ordered by a different doctor, which meant more blood needed to be drawn.
They called me back and the technician smiled. I didn't need to give her my disclaimer this time and I walked out on my own two feet, but I sure gave up a lot more blood than I wanted to today. I'm still a little bit dizzy.

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