Wednesday, September 5, 2012

thought for food

There was a segment on the local news the other night about organic food. The premise of the piece was to convey the message that organic food is no more nutritious than non-organic food. It only took me a few seconds to blurt out loud “Wow, this is really stupid.” I don’t think that was ever a selling point for organic foods. Personally, I eat organic produce for the things it doesn’t contain. 

The other day I had breakfast with a friend who ordered a side of scrapple. Later that evening we were talking and I asked her if she knows where scrapple comes from. My thought was that if she knew where her food came from that she might think differently about eating it. 

What I took away from the conversation was that she understood what she was putting into her body, yet opted not to think about it. And, I couldn’t help but think that if people turn a blind eye to the things they are putting into their bodies, what else are they choosing to ignore?

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