Tuesday, July 16, 2013

my old dog

It's been 10 years since Riley came into my life. I used to take her to the soccer fields with a bag full of tennis balls. I'd throw one as far as I could in one direction, she'd fetch it and drop it half way back as I threw one in another direction. An hour later, she was passed out on the hallway floor, tongue hanging out of her mouth.

She has slowed down considerably over the past few years. She no longer runs for tennis balls or climbs the stairs at night.

I was walking her the other day. I remember when our walks were longer and faster. Now, we go about three blocks and she looks up at me, almost as if she forgets why we are outside. She stops to sniff everything, never in a hurry to get anywhere.

At first I found myself getting annoyed by this. Then, I paused and gave it some thought...I am thankful for my old dog for reminding me to slow down.MySpace Tracker

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