Sunday, December 8, 2013


My cyclocross season came to a 
screeching halt (literally) a few days before the PA State CX Championships. While I am mostly healed, a few seconds in the forearm plank position provides me with a painful reminder that I am not invincible. 

I'm always amazed when I am able to rewind a watch it unfold and then find the silver lining in a cloud of gray. A few minutes after the crash my tire went flat. We pulled to the side of the road to fix it. During this time I had the opportunity to chat with someone in the group about my dog. She (a veterinarian) suggested that I take her in for a check up, so I did. The vet was concerned that Riley lost five pounds since the end of July. The results of the lab work were cause for further concern and an abdominal ultrasound has been scheduled. 

I will forever have the vision of this crazy dog running into the woods to retrieve sticks that more closely resembled small trees and carrying them all the way back to the car. She stopped running a couple years ago and gave up on stairs this past year. She's slow to get up and has recently forced me to become a magician at meal time. As time passes, there are more and more reminders that she too is not invincible.MySpace Tracker

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