Sunday, April 3, 2016


As with most things (Words with Friends, Candy Crush) I’m a little late to the game. MyFitnessPal has been around for about ten years. I looked at it over the summer, but quickly dismissed the notion of creating an account because it seemed like too much effort.

Fast forward six months and a “come to jesus” talk with myself after stepping on the scale. I wouldn’t consider myself overweight by any stretch of the imagination. However, the numbers were creeping up and the idea that I would see my college weight had become a pipe dream.

So I did it. I logged onto MyFitnessPal and began tracking my food and exercise. I bought a food scale and glass storage containers and got REALLY excited about it. 

It’s been seven weeks and so far I’ve lost almost nine pounds. Meal prep is time consuming, but it makes the week less complicated and more predictable.

And that college weight, well, it’s less than a pound away.

MySpace Tracker

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