When: Today at 4pm Where: Kelly Drive in Philadelphia What: My car lost all power & broke down Why: I'll find out on Monday
If you were trying to get home on Kelly Drive this afternoon at rush hour and got stuck in a bunch of traffic it was probably my fault. Yes, I was "that car." The Camry bit it at the most inopportune time, Friday, rush hour in the city. I did my best to pull to the side of the road, but I had no gas, no brakes, no nothing. Thankfully, I have AAA roadside assistance and was able to call for a tow truck because let me tell you, those three cop cars that all passed by me didn't look like they were in a hurry to give me a hand.
When she was all loaded up on the flat bed, two of the North Side Scoots met me and we cruised down to Washington Square Park. Any day that ends with beer, burritos and a football toss can't be that bad.
That is what time I woke up this morning to get ready for my blood work. LabCorp opens at 7AM. I rolled up into the parking lot a few minutes prior to that and noticed a small crowd waiting outside. One, two, three...nine, ten...seriously? Are there seriously ten people, all over the age of 65, waiting to get into this place? It's not that I have anything against retired people, but they are retired. Why do they have to be at LabCorp this early in the morning?
We filed in and I signed my name on the sheet. They called me back and I gave the technician my standard disclaimer, "Listen, I have been known to pass out after having blood drawn. Just so you know, there's a slight chance that I'll drop." Then, I looked away and it was over before I knew it.
I was sorting through some papers when I got home and noticed a second script for blood work from a different doctor. I figured that if I ran the paperwork up to the lab they could just add it to what was processed this morning. I was wrong. Even though some of the tests were the same they were ordered by a different doctor, which meant more blood needed to be drawn.
They called me back and the technician smiled. I didn't need to give her my disclaimer this time and I walked out on my own two feet, but I sure gave up a lot more blood than I wanted to today. I'm still a little bit dizzy.