Friday, September 4, 2015

runner back!

I started running before my freshman year of college. Due to injuries, I stopped running outside after college. Since then it’s been all treadmill. At times, I considered trying to run outside again, but it wasn’t worth getting hurt.

While tallying my miles in Glacier last week, I realized that I would be close to the century mark. Jill had been sidelined after only two hikes, but was being SUPER supportive of my desire to hit 100. I did my best to move quickly on the days she was waiting. 

The hike to Avalanche Lake is short and easy. I downed a liter of water and hit the trail without a pack. What started as a fast walk turned into a jog with a few hard efforts. The rolling terrain was perfect. I finished in an hour and 5 minutes.

Back at the car, I mixed a protein shake and stretched...unable to wipe the smile off my face...I wanted to do it again!

My first hike on the Highline was on an overcast day. The morning of August 11th was sunny and beautiful. We stopped at Logan Pass on our way to Many Glacier. It was a little over 7 miles to the Haystack and back so I planned on being gone for two hours. I unpacked the gear from my Osprey pack, then filled it with a liter of water and couple of shot bloks. 

I passed two large groups and was on my way. For the most part I had a decent view of the people in front and would call out as I approached to pass. Some made funny comments to which I replied “Huckleberry Pie, Huckleberry Ice Cream, Peanut butter Pie, Beer...just paying for my food sins!” I made it to the Haystack in 49 minutes, but figured the return trip would take longer because I am unaccustomed to running that distance...wrong...46 minutes later I was back in the parking lot, hooked on trail running. 

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