Thursday, June 16, 2011


We’ve all been in situations where we feel wronged. There are times when people close to us have let us down. Relationships don’t always work out for one reason or another.

Some people may look at these instances and see them as grounds for parting ways, being angry or holding a grudge. I see them as a challenge to do just the opposite by redefining not only myself, but also the link that I have to these people.

To quote Buddha “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” I am quick to give people second (and third) chances. You can’t improve yourself without first making mistakes.

This isn’t something that I learned over night. I spent several years holding a grudge against my father for the way I saw him treat my grandmother. With age came experience and the moments in my life when I realized that there are things of greater consequence.

Most recently, it came in the form of a telephone call where the voice on the other end of the line said that something has happened and that I should come right away. Somehow, amidst all of the chaos, came a moment of clarity in which I was reminded of the things that matter the most.

These moments will be different for everyone, but without a doubt, life will keep throwing them at you as a reminder.

"Save your strength for things that you can change. Forgive the ones you can't. You gotta let 'em go.


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