Hahnemann, Novacare, Frankie, helping, doing my best...Burning the candle at both ends...Job applications, resumes,interviews...Oktoberfest...Home is the people you meet along the way, 48° 41′ 48″ N 113° 43′ 6″ W...Shenandoah, Hollow-Weenie, Justin Bieber, Delaware Water Gap, Sunfish Pond and Mount Tammany...My 200th Geocache...Shinedown...Hot Yoga...Food Inc., Tapped, No Impact Man, The Cove, Netflix, Paleo Plan, eating local, eating organic...Christmas Eve, your new tattoo...Chris Pureka...Walking around Chinatown, Reading Terminal Market...Falling slowly, eyes that know me And I can't go back The moods that take me and erase me And I'm painted black...Being snowed in with you, spending the weekend in bed, Secretariat and The Social Network...Celebrating groundhog day, FARMiCiA, snowshoes, contact solution...Losing my best friend, losing weight, unanswered questions...Hesitate, Lie to me, Like a Stone, Reap, Get Around This, Between The Lines, Forever and Always, She Says, Whataya Want From me, Come Back to Me, Unshakable, If You Only Knew... Hiking alone, walking and walking and walking, learning to enjoy the silence, finding the perfect pair of hiking boots, the Batona Trail, the Appalachian Trail...Spring, sunsets, sadness...The road alone...Back to Temple, running the zip tower, getting paid to work on my tan...My road...Moving out, moving on, letting go, holding on...Ice and Camo, attack on the hills, Action Wheels, Caffeinated Cyclist, Clean Bottle, Cytomax, Stockton, New Hope, Lambertville, the French Bakery, time trials, riding my bike, forgetting...The road twice traveled...Orlando, old friends, couponing, cat allergies...rain and more rain, ruining weekends, retro fitness...Baxter State Park, 9/10/11, Mount Kathadin, Bar Harbor, Acadia...I'm still not out of the woods.