Monday, September 22, 2014

My 40th Year

Star Rock, West Chester, Crossasaurus Awesome, Swashbuckler, Kutztown, UPGRADE! PACX Series Champion...Stoudts, Fair Hill, CRXC, WhirlyBird, Town Hall, Nittany, Charm City...out of habit, sweet potatoes and chicken, superstitious, Taylor Swift, Honey Bagder...Batsto, Batsto, Batsto...cupid, hashtagnofun, New Brunswick, Princeton, cupcakes, cookies, french press, breakfast for dinner, D & R Canal, words with friends...greetings from the arsenal, the stars aligned, like clockwork, too much of a good thing...road rides, retired, running, HIIT, burpees...SVT, EKG, echocardiogram...decaf coffee...American Authors, One Republic, Phillip Phillips, Imagine Dragons, The Lumineers...Iron Wood, on belay, zip away...Catskills, Giant Ledge, Panther, Balsam, Eagle...Atlanta, Apollo, Atlantic City...Riley, Tap Shoes, Mary, Bridget...saying good bye on her own terms...MedStar, Washington DC, Sugarbaker, waiting...cancer sucks...sometimes I ride mountain bikes, but not very well...Fair Hill, Ramsey’s Revenge, it’s not like CX...slow pitch, soreness, groove, dairy fields...Cape May Brewing Company, Triumph, Victory, Stoudts, Iron Hill, Appalachian Brewing Company, of beer, growlers to go...EFT, agility ladder, flip Bob, no talk Thursday...commuting, life in the slow lane, sweaty kits...L&M, eat all the donuts...compex, compression socks, epsom salt, recovery...structure is for suckers...Street Tails...The Hazel Diet...Hammer, Whole Foods, sprouted grain bread, primal yolk coffee, popcorn, wild caught...minimalism, selling everything I own on eBay...Focus, CAADX, disc brakes, can’t stop won’t stop...peanut butter sandwiches...staycation, Federal Donuts, Phillies (suck), Little Baby’s, beer, fresh, eat local...pumpkin...smoothies, donuts, beer, cookies, everything...congratulations.

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