Thankfully, someone beat me to the punch on this one...
But then, sometime in the show’s final season, the producers came up with the stultifyingly absurd idea to write in a large-headed, floating green space alien with magical powers. The Great Gazoo is a banished alien who lands on Earth. The Great Gazoo is weird enough, but putting him in the Stone Age pushes on the membrane of surreality. He would smugly assert his superiority over the cavemen creeps he found himself amongst, and then vanish.
What? What the Hell? A green space alien, banished from his home, sent to Earth to mock cavemen, give them brontosaurus racing tips, and swan about, lording his superior powers over people who are barely smart enough to get about town? Even if your fevered mind can come up with some sort of mildly reasonable explanation for his presence on this show, one surely cannot get past his croony smugness.

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