Monday, April 16, 2012

shit that birds say

Lately, I’ve been going to bed pretty early because the birds have been waking me up in the morning.

The bird I’ve heard most frequently this spring is the “Cheeseburger Bird” however, that’s not to say that I haven’t heard a fair share from the “I need you Bird” and the “Cheater Bird.”

Last night I was in the yard with the dog. This time of year allows you to get a better look at these birds because many of the trees are without leaves. Germany Germany Chirpidee...yes, it was none other than the “German Chirpidee Bird.” It took a few minutes to locate where the sound was coming from. I looked up, studied the bird and hopped online to determine what it was.

To my surprise, I discovered that, not only is it a fairly common bird (Carolina Wren) but also, that it makes just about all of the other sounds I’ve been hearing. It turns out that it’s not so much what the bird says as the number of times they say it. In this case, it is multiples of three (cheeseburger cheeseburger cheeseburger).

Personally, I think that kinda takes the fun out of it so I will continue to identify them creatively, by what they say.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this! I was looking everywhere to identify a bird that says chirpidee chirpidee chirpidee & came across your blog spot writing the sound precisely as I did...& you confirmed what I thought - tyke Carolina Wren! Thank you!