Wednesday, April 18, 2012

lessons in forgiveness

I am one of the most forgiving people you’ll ever encounter. Some of my friends argue that I am too forgiving. My belief is that people deserve another chance. We are not the same people we were yesterday, nor who we will be tomorrow.

Forgiveness is a two way street. Somewhere down the road I lost sight of this, most likely because of my involvement with someone who was very unforgiving. It got to the point where I was afraid to say that I was sorry because it wouldn’t make difference. Mistakes were carefully held onto and inventoried for future reference.

In September, my path crossed with an old friend. We had not spoken in several years, but it’s the type of friendship where that doesn’t make a difference. The biggest barrier is the miles between us, which means that most of our communication is technology based. Sometimes I forget that it requires a little more awareness, which has recently caused a rift between us (and she let me know about it). After sitting with my thoughts for several days, I decided to take a chance and told her that I was sorry. She forgave me without hesitation.

I am learning again, how to ask for forgiveness. I am learning that the people in my life who are worth having around will stay there, even if I make a mistake. I am thankful for my friend who has taught me this lesson.

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