Monday, November 18, 2013

Kutztown CX (PA Series)

AKA the day I went to the bathroom before the race and almost didn't get my skinsuit zipped back up in time for the start

This was the 7th race in the PACX Series, held on the grounds of Renninger's Market. I parked in the grassy field and took note of the retro looking port-o-pottys. The course looked flat, a welcomed change from the past few weeks of racing. I checked in at registration and headed back to the car to suit up. A set of rideable logs had me feeling very uneasy after the warm up lap. They were featured in other races this season and every time I had to dismount and run over them. That was not going to be an option if I wanted to win today. The second time out on the course I went directly to the logs and practiced, which had me feeling a bit more confident going into our 2pm race.

The field was small, but there was a handful of strong women to contend with and I knew this wasn't going to be easy. I got a decent start (for me) and entered the course in fourth. Around half way through the first lap I made a pass in the corner and took the lead. There's nothing like the feeling of being chased for forty minutes...taking advantage of every opportunity I had to get out of the saddle and sprint gave me a bit of breathing room as the race progressed. I crossed the line in first, earning my first cash pay out, ever!

The top spot on the podium felt good, but ever better was the feeling I got after speaking with some of the women who race in the elite field. These women are always willing to offer advice, whether it's gear selection, how to ride a log or what tire pressure to run on the course. They've all been in my place at some point in time. It won't be long before I join them.

Kutztown CX Post Race Beer: Southern Tier Warlock

I heard a rumor that this was better than the other pumpkin offering from Southern Tier, Pumking. I think it all depends on your taste. This was good. It tastes similar to Pumking, but the finish is different. If forced to choose I'd still go with Pumking.
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