Monday, November 4, 2013

Stoudts CX

AKA the day that my legs broke...

It was cold and windy, but the sun was out. I arrived in time to pre-ride before the 8am race. The course was noticeably different from last year. There was no mud and it felt a bit more hilly, which my legs did not appreciate. I returned to the car and discovered that my socks did not match. I pinned my number and changed into my skin suit. The pins popped off. 

So that's how it's gonna be...

At the start, the rider next to me got bumped by someone behind her. We ended up brushing wheels, which enabled two people to move ahead. I entered the course in fifth. 

Unable to make a pass, the lead rider got a gap and never looked back. Five laps in second place and that's where I finished. I was one and a half for five on my attempts to climb goat hill. I don't know which was more painful, running it or riding it. I do know that I am quite content waiting another year to race that course again.

Stoudts CX Post Race Beer: Stoudts Double IPA

Because we're at the brewery and because it's not even Noon, the 10% Double IPA is the perfect recovery drink. This one wasn't too hoppy or bitter, but I drank it so fast that I'd need another one to give you more detail. Unfortunately, at 10% that was not possible for this light weight, but it's definitely worth giving it a try if you have the opportunity.
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