South Jersey Time Trial Training Series
In May, I went to Breakaway Bikes for power profile testing. For what it’s worth, the numbers said that I would be good at time trials. This made perfect sense to me because, as a collegiate rower, these events didn't seem too far off from a 2000 meter erg test. A month later, I bought a time trial bike. It was on sale (on sale). How could I refuse?
I looked on Bikereg for something that seemed feasible for my first time trial. I found the South Jersey Time Trial Training Series in Tuckahoe, NJ and entered the 10-mile time trial on July 21st.
The race started at 6pm. I arrived an hour ahead of time and sat alone on a hot, desolate road for nearly half an hour.
When my bib number was called, I clipped in and the official held on to the back of my saddle. Three, two, one...and, with a little push, I was off! My game plan was to take the race in five minute increments. I looked down at my computer at about three and a half minutes in and wondered what I had gotten myself into. I couldn’t breathe, sweat was everywhere and my legs were on fire.
After the turn, I felt pretty good. Knowing that it was half way over, I took it up a notch and continued to do so every couple minutes until I could see the finish line. No one had passed me and my time was good enough for a third place finish.
Considering that it was my first time riding the time trial bike (and my first race) I don’t think I did too poorly. There is another one next month and I am shooting for second place. Next time, I will keep my head down, steer a straight course and learn how to shift the gears.
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