A port-o-potty can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Just remember that when you decide to use one as a place to change your clothes, it's a good idea to put the lid down.

I've thought a lot lately about the concepts of winning and losing. I’ve found them to be quite subjective and for me, they aren’t black and white.
For the past three summers, I’ve played on a recreational softball team. Our first season, we lost every game. Last year, we won a few games. Currently, we are 7-6. The players on the team have remained consistent and our attitude has been the same...to have fun. Sure, it is nice to beat the other team, but no matter what the score, we always have a good time so at the end of the day, even losing can feel like winning.
Recently, I’ve discovered that sometimes, winning can feel like losing.
We’ve all heard the saying “It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.” While I doubt those are words that frequently come from the mouths of those who’ve won, it is something for all who play the game to consider.
peed behind the dumpster in the Lambertville CVS parking lot (again)
My friend Buddy belongs to the Central Bucks County Bicycle Club. There is a 50 mile hill ride from Lambertville to Frenchtown (and back) on most Saturday mornings. It leaves the CVS parking lot in Lambertville at 9AM. The problem is that after morning coffee, a bottle of water and an hour long car ride, my bladder is about to explode...and there are no bathrooms.
I discovered this a couple of weeks ago, which was the first time I went on the ride. There was a patch of woods across the street, but it sat on a steep hill, making it inaccessible. I walked around to the back of the CVS and found a dumpster...good enough.
This time I even brought toilet paper.