Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dear Peanut Butter

Dear Peanut Butter, 

Things have gotten a bit out of hand lately. 

I’ve found myself hoarding half empty jars of an assortment of your kind. There is a jar on my desk and a jar in my closet. I “hid” it there because I felt guilty about settling in with a good episode of House Hunters, a spoon and a jar of Organic Creamy from Wegmans. 

There is a jar in the laundry room, which was taken from my closet because I didn’t possess the will power to keep it there. There is a jar in the pantry, which was taken from my desk last month because I spilled peanut butter all over the keyboard. It was quickly replaced with some Valencia Creamy Salted from Trader Joe’s. 

Tonight, the vicious cycle came to an end when I discarded it all. Yes peanut butter, I love you, but it’s time to say goodbye. 

Yours Truly,

MySpace Tracker

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