Monday, June 11, 2012

everyday heroes

In two months I’ll be traveling to Montana for vacation in Glacier National Park. It isn’t the first time I’ve been there, or even the second or third, but it is my favorite place and every time I go, the experience is different.

People have asked me if I’ve been to this country or that country...and I haven’t...I don’t even have a passport. There are so many places here, in the United States,  that I want to visit. I haven’t even considered traveling anywhere else.

I don’t have to look far and wide, across continents, for things that I’d like to see. There are plenty of them here in my own back yard. Similarly, I don’t have to look very far to find the people whom I admire. The best types of heroes are everyday heroes, the ones amongst us and I am fortunate enough to call one of mine a friend.

In September, her two-year-old nephew was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor (near his brain). I would venture to say that, for her family, it was their worst nightmare, BUT I don’t think that the terminal illness of an otherwise healthy child is something that any family considers. It’s one of those “WTF?” is surreal...and I know she questioned (and still does question) why this is happening to him.

And so their journey began...

During the course of the past nine months, I have witnessed her strength and compassion. There were times when she has had to keep it together, even though she was falling apart inside. There were times when she has shown more emotional maturity than her parents. The wisdom she has passed on to me is priceless. Her perspective on life is truly admirable.

All of this while going to grad school full time, her head needing to be in one place while her heart longed to be 200 miles away...All of this while struggling with the strain of being unemployed...All of this and she never gave up...I’ve seen her down, but she has always bounced back...All of this and she doesn’t even know what an inspiration she has been, not only to me, but to anyone who is fortunate enough to know her.

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