Sunday, June 10, 2012

no way out

Since the start of my Bikram Yoga practice (a year and a half ago), the most important thing I’ve taken away from it is that the body will always try to find an easy way out. This became overwhelmingly evident while trying to hold a challenging posture for a minute (and then 30 seconds) in the 105-degree heat.

I don’t think that the brain is much different in that respect. Our minds will try to find the easy way out so that we don’t have to deal with things, whether it be our problems (past or present) or simply something that is unpleasant for us to think about...and there are plenty of distractions...we have TV and cell phones and the internet, which constantly demand our attention, they cause us to shift our focus elsewhere...and it is easier that way.

One of the biggest reasons why I enjoy hiking is because when you are alone in the woods there is no way out. There are no distractions. You are forced to be with yourself, your thoughts and feelings, the good and the bad.

I make it a priority to take a long hike at least twice a month. It keeps me balanced. It helps me, not only to remember who I am, but also to build upon that person, by facing whatever it is that my mind has tried to take the easy way out of.

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