Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Holla for the Vitamix!

For the third time this week, I found myself singing the praises of the Vitamix. It is, without a doubt, the BEST thing I have ever purchased.

I first learned of this amazing machine from the owner of the Bikram Yoga studio where I practice. She was having a conversation with another woman about a nut sorbet she had made in the Vitamix. They both got really excited, so I asked what all of the fuss was over a high-speed blender. They explained (with conviction) that this was no ordinary high-speed blender, and then went on to list its many functions, along with handful of wonderful things that they had recently made in the Vitamix.

So, I checked out the web site and discovered that it is in fact an amazing machine, but that awesomeness comes with a hefty price tag. After a week or two of thought (and a pretty nice tax return) I pulled the trigger.

Digestion issues have resulted in me drinking two out of my three daily meals, so the Vitamix has been extremely helpful. Prior to this, I was using a juicer, which was a mess to clean. The Vitamix is easy to clean and it uses fruits/vegetables in their entirety so nothing is wasted.

Holla for the Vitamix!

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